
Tyvek 9 товаров.

  • Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Soft
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    Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Soft
    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропрон...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропрон...

    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропроницаемостью, защищающий от осадков и ветра; - возможна непосредственная укладка на теплоизоляцию; - в...

  • Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Solid
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    Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Solid
    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропрон...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропрон...

    - однослойный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропроницаемостью, защищающий от осадков и ветра; - возможна непосредственная укладка на теплоизоляцию или ...

  • Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Supro
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    Мембрана гидроизоляционная Tyvek Supro
    - особо прочный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропр...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    - особо прочный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропр...

    - особо прочный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропроницаемостью, защищающий от осадков и ветра; - возможна непосредственная укладка на теплоизоляцию ил...

  • Мембрана гидроизоляционная ветрозащитная Tyvek Housewrap
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    Мембрана гидроизоляционная ветрозащитная Tyvek Housewrap
    - однослойный ветрозащитный гидроизоляционный материал с вы...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    - однослойный ветрозащитный гидроизоляционный материал с вы...

    - однослойный ветрозащитный гидроизоляционный материал с высокой паропроницаемостью; - возможна непосредственная укладка на теплоизоляцию; - предназначен для в...

  • Мембрана пароизоляционная Tyvek VCL SD2
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    Мембрана пароизоляционная Tyvek VCL SD2
    - исключается эффект "парника", который присутств...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    - исключается эффект "парника", который присутств...

    - исключается эффект "парника", который присутствует в мансардах, построенных с использованием традиционной полиэтиленовой пароизоляции; - поддержива...

  • Tyvek® Solid Silver
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    Tyvek® Solid Silver
    Энергосберегающая мембрана с отражающим напылением для фасад...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    Энергосберегающая мембрана с отражающим напылением для фасад...

    Энергосберегающая мембрана с отражающим напылением для фасадов и кровли. Снижает нагрев конструкции летом. Идеально подходит для металлических и битумных скатны...

  • Tyvek® Supro/ Supro + Tape
    В наличии
    Tyvek® Supro/ Supro + Tape
    Материал 100% полиолефин — ПЭ + полипропилен (клей: м...

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

    Материал 100% полиолефин — ПЭ + полипропилен (клей: м...

    Материал 100% полиолефин — ПЭ + полипропилен (клей: модиф. акрилатный) Структура материала двухслойный Толщина функционального слоя/ материала 220/420 мк...

  • AirGuard® SD5
    В наличии
    AirGuard® SD5

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.

  • AirGuard® Refkective
    В наличии
    AirGuard® Refkective

    We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.