Штакетник металлический LTE® 3 товаров.
Благодаря широкому разнообразию стали с полимерными покрытиями, наличию множества цветовых решений, можно реализовать самые смелые идеи.
Почитателям натуральных материалов особенно понравится линейка ECOSTEEL®, с цветами имитирующими различные породы древесины.
Каждый вид штакетника может быть выполнен с двумя верхними резами:
- прямым, который больше подойдет для любителей строгих линий
- овальным, предназначенным для ценителей мягких форм
В наличии
Штакетник металлический МП LANE®
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
В наличии
Штакетник металлический МП TRAPEZE®
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
В наличии
Штакетник металлический МП ELLIPSE®
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.