Металлочерепица 7 товаров.
Стабильно высокое качество продукции Компании Металл Профиль достигается благодаря скрупулезному контролю всех этапов производственного процесса, начиная с подбора сырья вплоть до разработки наиболее эффективной технологии монтажа металлочерепицы. Заказывая оригинальные кровельные материалы от производителя, вы получаете целый ряд преимуществ.
Преимущества металлочерепицы Металл Профиль
- Малый удельный вес металлочерепицы, составляющий всего 5 кг на м2, позволяет обойти особые требования к прочности всех элементов строения (от фундамента до стропильной системы), предъявляемых к кровле из более тяжелых материалов: шифера, керамической черепицы. И тем самым уменьшить затраты на строительство.
- Экологическая безопасность.
- Технологическая простота монтажа и ремонта кровли. Металлочерепица достаточно универсальна как кровельный материал: она может укладываться на уже имеющееся основание или может использоваться как самостоятельный материал.
- Большой выбор расцветок и профилей делает металлочерепицу универсальным материалом для большинства оригинальных дизайнерских проектов.
- В отдельных случаях монтаж металлочерепицы может производиться поверх старой кровли на новую обрешетку, что позволяет избежать неудобств, часто возникающих при реставрации здания.
- Невысокая стоимость работ по монтажу кровли из металлочерепицы.
- Возможность проведения монтажа при отрицательных температурах.
В наличии
НОВИНКАWe have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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НОВИНКАWe have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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НОВИНКАWe have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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МП Каскад
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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МП Монтеррей
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
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МП СуперМонтеррей
We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.