Экстрол 9 товаров.
В наличии
Плотность — 25-31 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 ...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 25-31 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 ...
Плотность — 25-31 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,2 МПа Группа горючести — Г3*/Г4
В наличии
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,25 МПа Группа горючести — Г3
В наличии
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 28-37 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,30 МПа Группа горючести — Г3*/Г4
В наличии
Плотность —30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность —30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±...
Плотность —30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,4 МПа Группа горючести — Г4
В наличии
Плотность — 30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 30-36 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,30 МПа Группа горючести — Г4
В наличии
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,50 МПа Группа горючести — Г4
В наличии
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 ...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 ...
Плотность — 38-48 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,50 МПа Группа горючести — Г3
В наличии
Плотность — 41-54 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 41-54 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 41-54 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,70 МПа Группа горючести — Г4
В наличии
Плотность — 25-32 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...We have a great number of different promos and you can get a pretty good discount. Keep saving your money with our store! The products of our store are the perfect combination of a real reliability and durability. We assure you that our goods have a great number of advantages and it is very important for the customers. You know that nowadays we have faced with the problem of fakes.
Плотность — 25-32 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25&plusm...
Плотность — 25-32 Кг/м3 Теплопроводность при 25±5 С - 0,029 Вт/м*K Прочность на сжатие — 0,25 МПа Группа горючести — Г3